What is ThetaHealing®
Vianna Stible, a respected healer and psychic, is the originator of ThetaHealing®
ThetaHealing® is an energy technique, that consciously uses the theta brain wave.
Healing, as described in the dictionary, is a return to wholeness or health.
ThetaHealing® is the use of the creative, inspirational, spiritual brain frequency to return our body, mind and/or spirit to wholeness and health.
It is the merging of science and spirituality. Healings can be instantaneous or occur over time. ThetaHealing® could be described as a non-denominational method of prayer, as it uses age-old spiritual practices. Experiments in Quantum Physics have actually proven Thetahealing®, though that was not the initial intent.
Healing, energentically or through prayer is not a new idea. However in the past healings were thought to be rare and offered by only a choosen few. The wonderful thing about ThetaHealing® is that it is teachable. In a theta class, intuition, which is natural in all of us, is awaken. Scientific evidence is offered to show how and why this technique works.
Additionally, participants learn how to scan the body, clear unsupportive beliefs and patterns, witness healings, and how to test when an unsupportive pattern/belief has cleared. Many common world beliefs are cleared, greater confidence in the ability to witness healings, as well as the practicality of ThetaHealing® in everyday life is experienced. ThetaHealing® creates greater self reliance, as individuals are able to clear beliefs and patterns on their own. Additionally, deep connection with others is fostered, as individuals work together supporting each other in clearing.
This being said, as we grow and change, we begin to allow change in others, our community, our state, our country and our planet. ‘We become the change that we want to see…’ Gandhi
How exciting is this!? A method – a proven method – to deal with any situation in life! A method that will allow us each, in our own unique way, to express the wonder and joy that we are contributing to the success and healing of our communities, our nations and our planet!!
If you are interested in hosting a ThetaHealing® class in your area, call for guidelines. Private sessions and classes are available. Contact Trish at info@trishturpel.com..
Appreciation for classes:
Requested Appreciation Exchange for Private Sessions:
*This exchange to be used in these 2 months only for a full hour session |
*Phone sessions are available anywhere in the world! 24 hr notice is requested for all cancellations.